Birkman Bytes

Self-Consciousness (formerly called Esteem)

Your use of sensitivity when communicating with others

How a person may deal with (or prefer to deal with)
approval-related topics, and how a person relates to other individuals

Self-Consciousness (formerly called Esteem) is the relationship you have with others on a one-to-one basis. When communicating, will you focus on the issue the other person is addressing, or on the person to whom you are speaking?

Self-Consciousness measures a sensitivity-based response when correcting others or being corrected by others and concerns about embarrassing others or being embarrassed.

  • High scores reflect diplomatic, sensitive behavior, a preference for personal, supportive relationships and a tendency to appear overly sensitive when others are perceived to be too direct.

  • Low scores reflect candid, direct behavior, a preference for candid and direct relationships and blunt behavior when stressed by the indirectness or perceived overly sensitive behavior of others.

Components - Four Possible Patterns

In reviewing any of the Birkman Components, there are four possible patterns that might be generated. We have listed the combinations here for Self-consciousness with the approximate percentage of the population that will show each pattern, as well as some narrative descriptions.

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